Islamic Art

Going once, going twice...and SOLD! by Sarvin Haghighi


And finally the day I was so looking forward to arrived.  The Magic of Persia Nowruz Auction Gala benefit in Dubai which was held on Iranian new years - March 21st 2015 - at Emirates Towers. The setting was beautiful and I was accompanied by my number one fan, my husband.   We were welcomed by champagne to the salon where all the artworks were on display.

There were so many beautiful artworks many by famous artists and some by emerging and other well - established artists.  Shirley Elghanian - Founder of the MOP organization - started the ceremony welcoming the artists, followed by a beautiful and touching video speech by Empress Farah Pahlavi - Former Queen of Iran - It was so unreal to be within so many amazing artists in such an amazing atmosphere. The program continued with a speech by HE Sheikh Narayan Bin Mubarak Al Nahayan - UAE's Head Minister of Culture, Youth and Social Development - and then the Christie's auctioneer stepped up and started the auctions. My painting was the 5th one of the auction list. I felt like I couldn't breath for a long time.  I noticed the start of bidding prices for most of the art works had been lowered compared to the suggested bid in the program.  My painting was one of the few that held its original bid price.
All prices mentioned in the catalogue are based on MOP and the artists suggested value but ultimately Christie's has say on the starting bid . Nervously, I saw my piece at a glance being brought up to the stage. The auctioneer started by mentioning the start bid of 2000 USD.. there was a few seconds of silence - to me it was much longer - and then the bidding started. I still couldn't breath and once I heard the word "SOLD" I realized it was sold for $6,000 USD. I was still in shock and could hardly hear my husband congratulating me...
As the auction continued we also realized that most of the pieces had an average of 20% increase between the start of bidding price and the selling price, whereas I  had a 300% increase.  At that moment it dawned on me how well my piece had performed.   This was the best start of the year I could have asked for. The ceremony continued with the performance of Shahram Shabpareh who is a legend in Iranian Rock music. I could not stop smiling the whole night. My piece was safe, with someone who appreciates it...this was the best Nowruz gift ever...




Countdown to the night of some Persian Magic by Sarvin Haghighi


As we are approaching the Persian New Years or as we call it - Nowruz - there is another ceremony for me personally to be excited about. One of my pieces will be among other artist's creations to be auctioned by Christie's in Dubai. Established in 2004, Magic of Persia - MOP - foundation promotes Iranian art and culture to a wider audience outside of Iran and strives to make a notable contribution to its long-term advancement worldwide. The selected piece was chosen by the amazing Shirley Elghanian. She is the Founder of this amazing foundation and it was an honor that my piece was chosen by her and her lovely team. For the past few years, this event has been one of the most prestigious art events to attend and to be part of this magical night truly is a privilege and I can't wait to share the updates and photos.

The Gala will be held in the Emirates Towers in Dubai on March 21st 2015. This is the best way to start the new Persian year.  See some great art during Art Dubai, catch up with friends and family in Dubai and of course be part of MOP event and featured artists.

It is an honor to be part of this amazing event. More photos and news coming up as we get closer to the event.



Watch part of my interview with Behnood Mokri - VOA "Shabahang" by Sarvin Haghighi


This past January I was interviewed by Behnood Mokri on VOA - Voice of America - Farsi. I have always been a fan of Behnood Mokri's programs. It is hard to believe that I was a guest on one of the shows that we all used to watch back home in Iran with my parents. It was a great honor and I really enjoyed the chat. This is part of the interview which was aired today on VOA's "Shabahang". The complete version will be shared soon through VOA website and on their Facebook page. [embed][/embed]