
44th Annual Pilsen East Artists Open house - Friday, October 10th by sarvin

Pilsen is a unique neighborhood in Chicago. Historic industrial buildings where is home to Artists with diverse media. Every year, during the Pilsen East Artists's Open House, the Chicago Art District (CAD) comes alive with people walking down the streets, filling the studio and galleries and share the amazing art of Chicago. The Pilsen East Artists's Open House is not only a unique opportunity to view the works of professional artists in the intimate venue of their own work studios, but also a chance for the artists to network, meet the art-going public and speak to them about their pieces. Fountainhead Lofts Building which is part of CAD, will be showcasing works by CAD resident artists and its located at 1932 South Halsted, Studio #202  - Friday, October 10th from 6pm-10pm

Feel free to go on below link to have all the information you might need for the event.

Type "Sarvin" on the "Search Events" part to get my bio, statement and some images :) hope to see you all there....

And the magic of Rumi continues... by sarvin

Rumi ArtRumi is still flowing through me. There are so many ideas in my head, more than what I could express sometimes, there are times I ask myself will I have the time to share all that I want to say? will people get my message? but then again, I always know that it does not matter, I just need to get the ideas out and share them as much as I can. It was then when I started working on a series of 8x8 inches pieces all at once. Just like small pieces of tiles in Islamic architecture where they form a shape, these works complement each other; colors, shapes, poems, they all fall into its place like a jigsaw. Working on new series right after these which will be shown on the next 2nd Friday. Stay tuned for pictures...

Shahyad Tower...our white tower of freedom.. by sarvin

This is one of the buildings that probably doesn't need introduction. Shayad tower is and will always be the symbol of Iran. I have a special bond to this tower as I grew up hearing the stories and seeing photos of how this beautiful tower was built and till this day, I find it so inspiring to see how much love and energy my dad put into this project when he was only in his 20's. Whenever I see Shahyad Tower in a movie, a photo or in a video clip, unconsciously I feel proud to know most of the amazing people who made their vision become the symbol of our country; my amazing dad, Iraj Haghighi alongside the inspiring Rouhollah Nikkhessal, Hossein Amanat, Manouchehr Iranpour and many many more. Your art will always be in the heart of Iran and Iranians.It's a shame to see how this stunning white tower is not being taken care of like it deserves.
Below interview is for all the Farsi speakers - sorry no English subtitles :
Also below are some photos of back when the tower was being built. You can see a young Iraj Haghighi on the site :) We are proud of you dad, everyday ...
For more information you may also go to:
DSC04300 DSC04301 Shahyad Tower