modern art

Sarvin Haghighi

And the walls continue to whisper... by Sarvin Haghighi

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE - WHISPERING WALLS ShowPODs are a series of 7 exhibition spaces in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. Conceptualized by John Podmajersky III and created by the Chicago Arts District, ShowPODs create an instant art experience in a non-traditional space and can viewed by anyone at anytime during the life of its installation.

Each year six artists are selected to showcase their art and I am honored to have been selected for the fall exhibit. My aim remains the same; to share part of Persian - Iranian - culture which the vast majority may not be familiar with, therefore The Whispering Walls continues to close the gap between cultures and also to break down the traditional barrier between the Artist and Art enthusiasts. The exhibit will come to life via seven storefronts along Halsted Street in Pilsen. It will be comprised of mixed media, including: paintings, installations, sculpture and will be very experiential.

The sketches were fully a completed few weeks back and we are now in the preparation phase. I am blessed to have an amazing artist helping me out.  She has been my role model and the one person who really got me interested in art; my lovely mom, Nasrin Moghadam. Together we are now creating the first elements of the exhibit and there is a long way to go. The first stages of this project is coming together in Michigan. I couldn't really ask for more, having my mom here, listening to amazing music, the sound of wind blowing through the greenest leaves you could imagine...this is a little pieces of heaven for sure.

More detailed information and instruction coming soon on what to expect and also on how to get involved as a viewer. For now, just look out for more on #WhisperingWalls...