New location

Sarvin Haghighi

EAC Installation - First stages by Sarvin Haghighi


EAC Installation - First stages Evanston Art Centre is going to have a new home.

I had the sketch, the idea, the vision and most importunely the approval to go ahead with my installation for the opening ceremony of Evanston Art Center (EAC)'s new location. Now it was time to make it happen. The theme is Hybrid's Paradise and as always my aim was to share my culture. My installation proposal consists of glass blocks which you see everywhere in Chicago mixed with Farsi calligraphy of Rumi Poetry and Persian and Islamic architectural designs.

I need to add that this is one of the installations I will have at EAC . The other one will be part of the same project but with completely different material. With these installations I aim to combine some part of both cultures of East and West.

After many trips to Home Depot (I can say I have hit most of their Chicago locations!) I got all the materials I needed. I did some testing obviously prior to get them all and worked my way through the process.

The blocks are not that light so to have 5 rows to 5 blocks each is not the easiest job to do. I am getting closer to the final stages and will post more images as we get closer to the event but the final creation will be revealed only on June 14th 2015 during the official opening ceremony of the new home for EAC.

Once again I can not mention how thrilled I am to be part of these amazing group of artists. More photos and updates coming up within the next few days. You will see the progress. You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter and FaceBook.