

Shahyad Tower...our white tower of freedom.. by sarvin

This is one of the buildings that probably doesn't need introduction. Shayad tower is and will always be the symbol of Iran. I have a special bond to this tower as I grew up hearing the stories and seeing photos of how this beautiful tower was built and till this day, I find it so inspiring to see how much love and energy my dad put into this project when he was only in his 20's. Whenever I see Shahyad Tower in a movie, a photo or in a video clip, unconsciously I feel proud to know most of the amazing people who made their vision become the symbol of our country; my amazing dad, Iraj Haghighi alongside the inspiring Rouhollah Nikkhessal, Hossein Amanat, Manouchehr Iranpour and many many more. Your art will always be in the heart of Iran and Iranians.It's a shame to see how this stunning white tower is not being taken care of like it deserves.
Below interview is for all the Farsi speakers - sorry no English subtitles :
Also below are some photos of back when the tower was being built. You can see a young Iraj Haghighi on the site :) We are proud of you dad, everyday ...
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DSC04300 DSC04301 Shahyad Tower