Behnood Mokri

Sarvin Haghighi

Watch part of my interview with Behnood Mokri - VOA "Shabahang" by Sarvin Haghighi


This past January I was interviewed by Behnood Mokri on VOA - Voice of America - Farsi. I have always been a fan of Behnood Mokri's programs. It is hard to believe that I was a guest on one of the shows that we all used to watch back home in Iran with my parents. It was a great honor and I really enjoyed the chat. This is part of the interview which was aired today on VOA's "Shabahang". The complete version will be shared soon through VOA website and on their Facebook page. [embed][/embed]

Interview with VOA (Voice of America) - Sarvin Haghighi by Sarvin Haghighi


Earlier today I was interviewed by Behnood Mokri who needs no introduction to all my Iranian family and friends. But for those of you who don’t know him, he is an award winning TV journalist and producer who is currently hosting one of my favorite programs on VOA Persia which is a cultural program conducting the most interesting, engaging and in-depth interviews in arts and entertainment.

It was an honor to be invited for this interview to Washington DC and also to meet him in person. The conversation was fun, relaxed and entertaining.
Stay tuned – Will let you all know when it will air.

VOA Interview