
Change is challenging… by Sarvin Haghighi

I knew I needed to make a change in my art practice for a while now. Change is always hard and sometimes you need that extra push to think outside the box, to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Well, that time for me has finally come. We are expecting our first child and I need to stay away from anything that is toxic. This is really hard in current art world as most mediums are somewhat toxic.

In addition, since my parents are banned to travel to the US due to the Muslim Ban, we had to make the hard choice of delivering our baby in Australia. Lots of changes at once but we are grateful to have the option at least. It could always be worse :)

I decided to go back to basics. Drawing, simple sketching, etc to bring back some ideas . I needed this change so much. It’s exciting, scary and challenging but I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Also since I knew I will be in Melbourne for few months, I decided to look for some classes, something fun to do with my mom (she is an amazing artist herself) and also learn something new. We signed up for a Japanese Ink Painting class. It was really fun to learn a new different technique. We both really enjoyed it and I am sure we can both bring this technique in some ways into our practices.

I also am now sketching for some ideas to do some sculptures. I really enjoyed sculpting when I was in Iran and I think it is something I can again start and see where it goes.

I have to see where this road takes me but hoping to be back to my studio soon with my little guy and create some new works. I will share some images once they get somewhere but for now here I am sharing some images of the class I took here in Melbourne. Not bad for the first time but of course needs more practice… Watch this space!


Ox-Bow School of Arts - Saugatuck MI by Sarvin Haghighi

In case you have not heard of Ox-Bow so far, I encourage you to make a trip to this beautiful Art School and experience all the amazing things they have to offer, Through its affiliation with the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Ox-Bow offers year around programs, summer benefits, workshops and so much more. 

As mentioned on their website, courses are a unique experience to work closely alongside artists from across the country with world-class instructors. The courses are diverse, ranging in focus from the functional to the sculptural; from traditional to contemporary; from representational to conceptual. During intensive and immersive one & two week courses, students delve deeply into their practices. Housing or commuting options are available. For a closer look at Ox-Bow's grounds and life on campus during the summer, visit their information page.

I was thrilled and honored to have been approached by this amazing school to teach a one week workshop. I wanted my students to learn as much as possible throughout this week. Designing the sessions and what to do on each day took a while but it did worth the time spent on it as by the end of it I was sure that no matter the level of my students, they will either become inspired or add on to their current creation process. 

The location is stunning, located close to the beautiful town of Saugatuck and Douglas, once you get to the campus, you are immediately captured by the beauty and greenery around you. The campus offers Artist Residencies in many fields. Each studio is filled with art enthusiasts creating Art with different mediums. 

If you intend to teach a class for few days, I would suggest considering below points:-

  • Design and map out your teaching strategy, what are you going to teach each day, give time to your students to practice. Whatever you do, you want to make sure the last days of the workshop is rewarding for attendees. 
  • Get the full list of attendees in advance and familiarize yourself with the level of students if possible. You will then have a full picture to help you map out the sessions better. For example if you have a mix of beginners and experts, your sessions will be planned differently whereas if all are beginners. 
  • Check out with the location to ensure they have all you need, prepare in advance by sharing the list of materials as well to make sure you have enough for everyone. 
  • Patience is very important throughout the workshop, to ask every question and help those who might need more assistance, make sure everyone try out their learnings at their own time.
  • Give everyone a chance to use their own imaginations. At the end of the day, you want them to create what they want based off the knowledge they gain from the workshop.

I can not wait to go back next year. This experience was so rewarding for me as well. I connected with the art of teaching in ways I never had before. 

OxBow School of Arts is located at : 3435 Rupprect Way, Saugatuck, MI 49453

View from our class...

View from our class...

My amazing students...It was such an honor to teach them.

My amazing students...It was such an honor to teach them.


Solo Exhibition - Shortcut to The Silk Road by Sarvin Haghighi


  This is a great way to start the new year; solo exhibition in the beautiful Center For The Arts in Saugatuck, MI. The title of the exhibit - "Shortcut To The Silk Road" - invites you on a journey back in history. The ancient silk road is a historical route which connected East and West. It began as a trade route more than 2000 years go and quickly became a cultural bridge linking cultures, religions, languages and traditions between the countries it traveled.  Join us for the opening day of this exhibit and feel the pulse of civilization as you explore the cultural influences in these pieces. There will be a discussion on the opening day January 22nd 2016 starting at 5 pm followed by the official opening from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.

Saugatuck Center For The Arts is located at 400 Culver Street, Saugatuck, MI Visiting hours : Monday - Friday , 9am - 5pm

In regards to this exhibit there are few other events happening as below. If you are interested to attend any of the below events, please feel free to contact myself or Saugatuck Center For The Arts to get more details. I will be sharing more detailed information on each event as we get closer to the dates.

  • Rotary lunch lecture
  • January 22nd 2016 :Opening reception 5:30 - 7:30PM, VIP Gallery Talk  5-5:30PM
  • "Taste the Silk Road" event
  • Creativity Revealed