
Challenges and benefits of being an Artist in Chicago by Sarvin Haghighi


Any move has its own challenges specially when you move to a new country and want to grow your art career in the best way possible. What makes it easier is when you have access to the right resources and are guided through the challenges by experts, it all makes it so much more easier to grow as an Artist. Being an artist these days, there is so much work to do in parallel of making art to be able to get where you want with a healthy mind and soul. I find myself extremely lucky to have found the support I needed with The Artists Next Level. Their available courses and guidelines are a great source for artists who want to take their Art Career seriously. They offer professional development courses for artists at all levels in their art career. I was thrilled to be part of one of their podcasts they did to share the challenges and benefits of being an Artist in Chicago. It was truly amazing to be part of it and also to be able to hear from all the other amazing Chicago based Artists. You can listen to the podcast HERE. My part starts on minute 17 of the podcast. podcast